Crypto currency exchange. Your first step into the cryptocurrency world will most likely occur through an exchange. There are two main types of exchanges that we will discuss in this guide. The first type of exchange is what most people call a fiat exchange. This an exchange that allows the direct transfer of US Dollars, Euros, and most government-backed currencies to be traded for cryptocurrency. The second type of exchange are cryptocurrency to cryptocurrency exchanges (C2C), that allow cryptocurrencies to be traded with each other. The most common pairings on these exchanges are Bitcoin and Ethereum. Crypto to crypto exchanges will be covered more in-depth on the second half of this page. Depending on what cryptocurrency you are trying to obtain, you will need to use certain exchanges. To get most cryptocurrencies, you will need to use both types of exchanges. This is due to laws and regulations around certain cryptocurrencies that make it difficult for fiat exchanges to sell them. Each exchange has different pros and cons, so the best exchange for one person, might not be the best for another. CoinSwitch is essentially an exchange marketplace, through which users can access the crypto-markets. This model removes the need for multiple accounts across various exchanges or even one account for an exchange 56908