Bitcoin (abbreviated as BTC) is an electronic payment system in which virtual “money” (bitcoins) circulate. Do you have a VISA or Mastercard? Both Visa and Mastercard are also electronic payment systems. However, they use the currency we are accustomed to - dollars, euros, and all transactions go through bank processing. Such currencies are called fiat. The Bitcoin system uses a cryptocurrency - a purely digital currency that is not tied to any world bank or economy of any country. It has its own value (rate), which is forming against the background of demand. There are several ways to buy btc: 1. Exchangers. The network has services that exchange fiat currency for cryptocurrency. 2. Exchange cryptocurrency. Resources where cryptocurrency is traded. The largest exchanges: CEX.IO, EXMO, Livecoin. Bitcoin rates may vary at different sites. 3. Trading platforms. And for Bitcoin you can sell goods. Where? Yes, at least in Amazon or Ebay. 4. Self-service terminals. BTC can also be received through ordinary terminals. There are also specialized Bitcoin-ATMs - they have a better course and a more modern technology. So far they have not received wide distribution in the CIS. You can choose from the ways that you like best and buy btc is most convenient for you. 34338
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